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ORIXAS EWA’ (invoked to help sell houses)

If you want to sell a house, a shop, a company or anything else, in short time and with the maximum profit, you invoke, in the Afro-Brazilian tradition, the Energy of the Orixas Ewa ‘, certain to get what you want without impediments of any kind.

The Orisha Ewá or Iyewá, is a beautiful virgin that Xangô fell in love with, but was unable to win her over, Ewá fled Xangô and was welcomed by Obaluaiye who gave her refuge. Ewá lives in the unreachable forests, linked to Iroko and Oxóssi, and became a brave warrior and a skilled hunter. Ewá is chaste, the Lady of possibilities.

Ewá is represented by igbá à do kalabá (gourd with raffia strips).

Virgins have the protection of Ewá and, in fact, everything that is unexplored has their protection: the virgin forest, the virgin girls, rivers and lakes where you cannot swim or sail. Ewá herself, some believe, is only initiated in the heads of virgin women, as she herself would be a virgin, the virgin of the virgin forest dear daughter of Oxalá and Oduduwá

Ewá dominates clairvoyance, an attribute that the god of all oracles, Orunmilá granted her.

In Africa, the Yewá River is the home of this goddess, but its origin is controversial. Some say that, like Oxumaré, Nanã, Omulú and Iroko, Ewá was worshiped initially among the Mahi, was assimilated by the Yoruba and inserted in their pantheon. There was a female Orixá from the Dahome chains called Dan. The strength of this Orixá was concentrated in a snake that swallowed its own tail, which denotes a sense of perpetual continuity of life, as the circle never ends.

Ewá would have the same meaning as Dan or one of his halves – The other would be Oxumaré. However, there are those who defend that Ewá already belonged to the Nagô mythology, being originally in the city of Abeokutá. These, certainly, for not knowing the Jeje pantheon – In which Vodun Eowa, would be the correspondent of the Nagô Ewá – They confuse Ewá with a quality of Iemanjá, Oyá and Oxun. Ewá is an independent Orixá, but is known among the Eowá fasts and in the Yorubá speaking people for Ewá.

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The Cult of Priapus and Antic Roman Ritual

The cult of Priapus spread in Italy around the third century BC. as a wish for the fertility of the fields, mixing with Pan, Dionysus, Lupercus and Fauno. Inuo-Priapus appeared benign every year, around the 10th of August, with a rain of his fertilizing seed from the sky, guaranteeing a rich harvest for the following year. This annual meteor shower is now known as “St. Lawrence’s tears”.

Curiously, the places connected with the archaic cult of Inuo, Priapo, Pan and Fauno, also present a proximity to the toponym “Lorenzo” and to an ancient church dedicated to San Lorenzo. Perhaps the association is archaic, in fact the Etruscan divinity, later acquired by the Romans, Acca Larentia, once Mother Earth, then sacred prostitute protector of the plebeians and of the fertility of the fields, was assimilated precisely to Faun and Lupesco, almost to constitute their counterpart female.

From Larentia to s. Lorenzo the step is short. welcomed by the shepherds who saw auspices for the fertility of the fields in the great phallus of the little God. In Roman art it was often depicted in frescoes and mosaics, especially at the entrance to patrician houses. His member was an amulet against envy and evil eye, and in addition it brought fertility to women.

The priapeus phallus was therefore a jewel to be worn on the neck or arm. The Roman patricians, before marriage, prayed to Priapo, to make the wedding night pleasant.

The Romans used to place simulacra of the divinity in vegetable gardens and fields, which they recognized as apotropaic and protection against birds. At the base of the connection between the Piedigrotta feast and the pagan cult is the practice of September erotic feasts that were considered to be held in ancient times in the Roman cave, to the rhythm of obscene songs and dances around the simulacrum of the God.

Below an ancient Roman ritual dedicated to Priapus

You will need:

_ A phallic shaped candle (color should be chosen according to the request, see previous post)

– Red oil

– Charcoal


“Hello Priapus, fruitful Father, guardian of gardens, violator.

I invoke you, disposer, spermatic, You who sow life.

Deflorator, awe of virgins, igneous, fallopods,

chaser of thieves and birds, lord of the fig tree, magmatic.

Come to us, possess us with the heat of your fire, give us the ardor that pervades you, or comburent.

Unravel the mysteries of the phallus hidden by the curved sickle,

ambidextrous, flagellum of cinedi. Irrumator,

sea beak, mute, bloodstained, lord of the donkey,

come to our holy spasms.

Lord of the Orgy, sacrifice our acts, vivify our minds

Obscene, Itifallo, Iectatore, Savior! “

Please grant us …………….. (do your request).

repeat every day until the whole candle is consumed.

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Julien Ernest Houssay (1844-1912), better known as the Abbot Julio, was one of the greatest esotericists of the last century. Mystic and thaumaturge, his writings still survive, over a hundred years after his death and for the value they contain are among the best known in esoteric and spiritual circles. His extraordinary legacy includes prayers, kabbalistic formulas, exorcisms and the attestation of the value and power of the Psalms. The purpose of his legacy left to posterity is to exploit these resources in any occasion and moment of life as they would produce psychophysical well-being, dispel problems, worries and obstacles, remove the most diabolical influences and heal from all evil, without forgetting the protection guaranteed against malice. , enemies and natural disasters. Famous are his wonderful pentacles, of which Fortuna Italia offers you the entire collection engraved on silver, embellishing a design object of a symbolic value that is lost in the mists of time.

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Angelic and Archangelic magic rituals are used for problems related to love, money, work and any other aspect of your life. They are also used to free from hexes of all kinds, from negativity and larvae by invoking Angels and Archangels.

The Supreme Archangelic and Angelic Rituals are the highest form of Magic.
They are rituals with immense strength and purity, far from witchcraft and low forms of Magic.

They are much higher than any other form of White Magic, despite being only positive rituals, with invocation only of Angels and Archangels.

In the case of curses performed by unconscious operators who work with black magic, often linked to demons, we intervene with the Supreme Archangelic Rituals.

It also acts with the Rituals for negativity, mental larvae and evil eyes.
Today there are Black Magic operators who also hit people with Voodoo magic, with Macumba, African Magic and Cuban Santeria.

Only with the Supreme Rituals is it possible to achieve the removal of demons, negativity, evil eyes and larvae, fallen spirits of all kinds from the troubled lives of customers.

Those attacked by a Black Magic ritual or work or other negative attack spells can have: a destruction of marital bliss with the partner, sudden repulsion between partners, infidelity, separations, loss of money, work failure, stomach pain and chest, with a sense of nausea not related to pathologies, infertility, noises where one lives and much more.

Check out our rituals every week we update our website with new arrivals.

To check if you have been hit by one of these you need to do a tarot session, you can get a first indication by sending an email to

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The Legend of San Cipriano

San Cipriano (St Cyprian of Antioch) was born in Carthage (249-251). As a child his parents dedicated him to the service of Apollo and when Cyprian was only seven years old his parents gave him to magicians where he would study sorcery and pagan ways. During his youth he traveled to many places learning the occult from some of the best known masters. His travels took him to Mount Olympus, there he learned to control weather conditions. At age ten he went to Argos and served the Goddess Juno where he learned the art of deception. During another voyage he went to Sparta, there he learned the rites of Necromancy. When Cyprian was twenty he traveled to Egypt where he stayed for ten years studying to cast powerful spells and incantations. By the time he was thirty he went to the Chaldeans to master the science of astrology, and it was there that he completed his study.

He eventually took the career as a professional sorcerer and did very well in the business. Soon after opening shop Cyprian met Justina, a young Christian woman, and fell madly in love with her. He tried to gain her love through sorcery and even conjured powerful spirits for assistance but nothing worked. Every day Justina prayed and marked herself with the sign of the cross which protected her. Every time one of Cyprian’s magical attempts failed he tried stronger and more powerful ones…each one failing. Cyprian was so impressed with the power of the Cross and Justina beliefs of prayer the he eventually gave up his pagan ways and became a Christian. Later became a Christian bishop and totally gave up the craft, and he supposedly burned his books of magic, some of which he had penned himself, having compiled spells and esoteric knowledge from diverse sources and having written it down in Greek so that others might also learn.

Fortuna Italia offers different products of San Cipriano, from the medals in Silver to the Rituals.

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PHALLIC SYMBOL (History and Use)

Originally, in pagan religions, the phallus was the cosmogonic symbol of the virile member in erection, to whom rites and prayers were dedicated, and for centuries it was the object of power, taboo, mystery. The term phallus derives from the Latin phallus, from the Greek phallós, to be connected to the Sanskrit root phalati (= to sprout, fruit) or to the root phal (= to swell).

Psychoanalysis has placed it at the center of mental life, and also in language excels: the male sexual organ has 1,047 synonyms (40 more than the vagina), to express the most disparate concepts, from strength , to imbecility.

For the etymology, penis derives from the Latin penis, tail, then virile member, (from pes; see the Vedic Sanskrit pasas, virile member, Greek pésos, Lithuanian písti, coitus) and possesses an uncontrollable and mysterious energy, capable of procreating . According to the ancient grammarian Festus, penis would derive from hanging, because it hangs like a tail.

In the ancient and classical world and then in the Greco-Roman culture, the phallus was considered the origin of life, as it was considered the generator of the seed.

This is the reason for the legend according to which ancient civilizations transformed it into a divinity: for the Babylonians, the god Enki had created the Tigris and the Euphrates with his penis.

The Assyrians and Phoenicians worshiped the god Kmul, a divinity with a huge member, a powerful generator of life.

In biblical Canaan, kings ate the penis of their predecessor to assimilate its power.

The ancient Israelite populations swore by placing their hand on the organ, so much so that the etymology testicles, from the Latin testes, meaning little witnesses, derives from this custom.

Persio, to designate the testicles, used a diminutive of testes (plural), as if to signify the two witnesses of the sexual act (for this use see also the poet Pietro Aretino).

The erect penis was worshiped above all to propitiate fertility: in the Hindu temples dedicated to Shiva there was the linga (stone phallus), venerated to promote the fertility of women; still today the phallus is worshiped in all countries where Hinduism is widespread; the Greeks made the phallus, processions with statues of huge phalluses to increase agricultural crops.

The Romans worshiped the god Priapus, a symbol of fecundity, represented with a large erect phallus (hence priapism, a disease that consists of an uncontrollable erection). Priapus, perhaps a native of the Black Sea, first moved to Greece and then to Rome, where he was confused with the local god Mutinus Tutunus and sometimes even with the god Pan. In Rome, in the appearance of a satyr (Pan), the Lupercals were celebrated. In Roman art, the phallus was often depicted in frescoes and mosaics, generally also placed at the entrance to villas and patrician homes. The erect penis was in fact considered an amulet against envy and the evil eye. Furthermore, the cult of the erect virile member in ancient Rome was very widespread among matrons of patrician extraction to propitiate their fecundity and ability to generate the continuity of the gens. For this reason, the phallus was also used as a jewel to be worn around the neck or arm. Also in Rome, the patrician virgins, before getting married, made a particular prayer to Priapus, so that he would make their wedding night pleasant.

In ancient times there are many traces of the worship of the phallus-penis: the obelisks in Egypt, the monuments of Delos, the phallic constructions of Persia and Phenicia, the towers of Ireland and Scotland, the monoliths of France and Corsica, the stones planted in Cuzco or in the Indies, some Polynesian and Japanese buildings, some Macedonian coins, the Etruscan tombs, the Dolmens in Great Britain, Sardinia, Malta and Spain, the agricultural stones in Puglia, Albania and Greece as well as evidence of the orgiastic religion of Dionysus and in the Bacchanalia. Very little is known about the cult itself. The paintings of the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii, although late reproductions (5 centuries later), give us an idea of ​​the rites. From the phallus derive the representations of the horns of the Mediterranean superstitions (for example in Naples). The phallic cults have survived until today, even if camouflaged in other forms, such as the Festival of the lilies in Nola, the Corsa dei Ceri in Gubbio and during the carnival festivities in Florence (see Vasco Pratolini, Chronicles of poor lovers).

For the Greeks and Romans the penis was a symbol of power: in ancient Rome, the size and shape of the penis often facilitated a military career. Furthermore, precisely among the Romans, the penis served as a good luck charm. The fascinum was a phallic amulet against the evil eye to hang on the wrist. Hence the superstitious gesture of “touching” (or touching the horn, in phallic shape) to draw energy. Everything that stands, therefore, seems to be a phallic reference: from the obelisks to the steeples to the towers, to the oath with a raised hand or the Roman salute. This uncontrollable energy was feared by early Christianity, which affirmed the superiority of God over man. Tertullian (150-220) said that during orgasm man loses a part of his soul: an ancient way of conceiving human energy, but also a moral warning. With Catholicism, the phallus, from divinity, became demonic: the penis, for Anselmo d’Aosta is the “devil’s rod”. No organ, said Saint Augustine, is more corrupt than the penis. Thus in the Renaissance Pope Paul IV had the male attributes covered by the elect and damned in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

Fortuna Store is offering you the possibility to re-live the antic roman ritual offering these candles with instructions for:

WHITE: It is indicated to clean bad energies, blockages or everything that may be negatively influencing sexual relations or desire.

BLACK: It is used to break spells or incantations of black magic, as well as works of white magic carried out to try to eliminate sexual desire, block sexual relations or damage the normal development of a man’s sexual life.

RED: It is used in sexual mooring rituals, that is, when we want to attract a certain man in the sexual or erotic field, enhancing his desire for us, attraction and fieryness in intimate relationships. Feelings are not implicit in this type of work.

It is a very used way to dominate this part of man and submission. Write the full name of the person to be mastered, spread with meek lamb oil and oil of hatred, pica pica powder, black salt. Rub it with black salt for 5 minutes asking for what you want. Leave it wrapped in a white cloth for 3 to 7 nights to rest. On a Saturday at midnight, it is preferable to light it on a plate with a lot of black salt at its base. The remains are buried in a dark and damp place.

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Pray to Santa Rita, the Saint of the impossible

O glorious St. Rita, your pleadings before the divine crucifix have been known to grant favors that many would call the impossible. Lovely St. Rita, so humble, so pure, so devoted in your love for thy crucified Jesus, speak on my behalf for my petition which seems so impossible from my humbled position. (Here mention your request ). Be propitious, O glorious St. Rita, to my petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of thy supplicant. Be lavish to me, as thou has been in so many wonderful cases for the greater glory of God. I promise, dear St. Rita, if my petition is granted, to glorify thee, by making known thy favor, to bless and sing thy praises forever. Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus I pray.  Amen.